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All About Moon Water

Even though the Spice Girl Victoria Beckam contributed a lot to the discovery of this energized water by talking about it on her Twitter account to the world, Moon Water is an ancient practice and its origin can be traced back to the moon rituals of pagan religions.

Properties of the water

Before immediately jumping to the steps on how to collect it, it's important to understand how it works. We use water because it is very sensitive and has the property of being "transformed" by its environment, thoughts and emotions. Moreover, Dr. Masaru Emoto is a pioneer in the study of water and I strongly suggest his works if the subject interests you.

And what about the Moon?

The Moon is a powerful celestial body in our sky, which affects our mental and emotional well-being. Some more sensitive people will feel the difference on full moon nights, for example. One can easily imagine the strength of the Moon by its influence on the tides of the oceans. Its general properties are related to its light: It purifies, cleans, rebalances. The moon also has a close connection with everything related to divination and intuition. Her energy is feminine/Yin. According to the lunar phases and the months of the year, the energy changes. A complete list is available at the end of this article.

How to Collect Moon Water


- Container with lid ideally made of glass because plastic can leave a long-term taste and it washes less well - Distilled or spring water To try to have it as pure as possible - it's better. - Purification tools: incense, bell, singing bowl, etc. *Optional: This is especially if you are staying indoors - purify your space of negative energies (stress, anger, ect) so the water doesn't pick it up overnight

- Stones and crystals * Optional: If you want to add or focus on something specific (example: Protection)


1) Wait for a full moon evening (preferably - this is its strongest moment) 2) Place the container with the water so that it is illuminated by the light of the moon during the night: in your garden or near your window if you stay indoors. 3) Optional: Purify your space as needed with the technique you prefer (incense, singing bowl, bell, etc.). 4) Optional: Place stones and crystals around your container (or above the closed cover) to reinforce a specific energy. You could also put some in your water directly only if you don't intend to drink it or put it in contact with your body/skin - some stones could make the liquid toxic. In doubt, just avoid this (the water could also damage certain more fragile gemstones) If you really want to have gemstones added into the container for your moon water, there are glass bottles with spaces for stones which makes everything safe (no direct contact with water).

5) Optional: Visualize and say aloud (as if talking to your water) what you want to do as energy work. Some people will even write a keyword and put it under the container. 6) Do not forget to close the lid and leave the water all night in contact with the light of the moon. 7) Pick up the container the next morning (preferably before the sun rises.. but I know not everyone will go into these details and it's a personal choice) 8) Done! You have your moon water. Keep it in the fridge for up to a month.

Some uses for Moon Water

- Increase the effects of essential oils (mix water + oil) - Purify the house (you can use a vaporizer) - Water the plants - Take a bath - Drink it to feel the lunar energy - Use during visualization / divination practices - Heat to take it in the form of tea or herbal tea - Beauty Routine - Rituals / spirituality (tradition, symbolism) - Manifestations: amplifying the power of our intentions - Mental or emotional healing (calming influence)


Properties of the moon according to its phases

Full Moon

* the most powerful: complete, stronger - Release what no longer serves / Let go - Cleanse negative energies Key word: Purification - Reap what we sow - Gratitude - Free yourself from your old "baggage" - Clean Energy

New Moon

* Black/Dark Moon - Setting our intentions - Thoughts - Personal growth Key word: Shadow work - Look inside yourself - Start a new chapter in your life - Break free from cycles / "patterns" - Focus on manifestation / intention - Work on oneself (also known as Shadow work) - Improve our personal growth and development - Start something new: project, relationship, business

Waxing Moon

* evenings between new and full moon Key word: Increase. Increase - Creative work - Inspiration - set a gradual goal

Waning Moon

* evenings between full moon and new moon Key word: Eliminate, reduce - To forgive - let go / let go - Thank - To release - Reconnect to the ground ("grounding")

Full Blue Moon

* It is an additional full moon that occurs during the month (rare) Key word: Special - Celebrations - Ambitions & dreams / wishes - Very good for setting goals

Do eclipses count?

Eclipses are times when the Moon is hidden by the Earth, it enters its umbra/darkness (which is different from its personal umbra/New Moon phase) Most people agree that this is rather a negative event - which does not highlight the Moon - to be avoided for Lunar water.


Full Moons & Properties of the Months

Names may vary between authors and regions in the world. The reason is simple, they are inspired by the seasons and the nature of the moment (variation of months/names around the world). Choose the names that make the most sense to you and that will help you remember the properties of each full moon.

January Wolf Moon, Ice Moon Pass through the desolation of winters - Protection - Strength February Snow Moon, Storm Moon Face the challenges of life - Resistance - Perseverance - Completion of projects March Chaste Moon, Worm Moon For interior/exterior renewal - Hit - Hope - New experiences April Seed Moon, Egg Moon, Grass Moon For action and progress - Fertility - Growth - Wisdom May Hare Moon, Flower Moon Inner flame and passion - Love - Romance June Lover's Moon, Strawberry Moon Live to the full / Appreciation of life - Committed love - Joy of living July Meadow Moon, Thunder Moon First harvest, Result of what we have sown (work/project etc) - Health - Prosperity August Grain Moons, Corn Moon Connection to the Earth - Wealth - Share - Generosity September Harvest moon Harvests - Abundance October Hunter Moon, Blood Moon Transition and Transformation - Changes - Renewal - Spirituality - Divination November Frost Moon, Mourning Moon Recovery - Strengthen ties (family, friends) - Psychic Healing - Emotional healing December Cold Moon, Moon of Long Nights Month when darkness and the Moon are more present - Start over - Rebirth - Leave behind the negative

To conclude, using moon water means working with the energies of nature and the sky. This page is a summary of his practice and I encourage you to customize it to your liking.

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