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Santo Palo wood
First you start with a simple intention of focusing on clearing the negative energy out of your space and mind. Once you have your intention in mind, light the Sage or Palo Santo and hold at a 45 degree angle pointing the tip down towards the flame. Allow it to burn for 30 seconds and then blow it out.



Selenite vibrates at a super-high frequency, meaning it’s a very powerful healer. It is effective at clearing heavy, blocked energy. This allows energy to flow at a high vibration, elevating the spirit. You can use  selenite to cleanse: your energy, your home, your belongings, other crystals, etc

When burnt, it releases a pleasant scent that can calm and relax the user. It is said that Lavender can help heal trauma, grief, and relieve anxiety and depression. It offers protection and promotes love and peace of mind.

Place sea salt in front of your home’s entranceAll you need for this method is a bit of sea salt and a container, such as a bowl, glass, jar, or small dish. Place a bit of sea salt in the container, and store it near your home’s entryway – a small table in the foyer works perfectly.Think of this salt container as an energetic bouncer for your home. It’ll stop negative vibes at the door, sending them on their way before they can bring your energy down.

This rose-colored salt is the purest type of salt on earth, and thus, it’s the best salt to use in any cleansing ritual. In addition, some say that, similarly to rose quartz, pink Himalayan salt gives off a sweet, loving energy, so you might want to try using it when you need an extra dose of self-love. You can find pink Himalayan salt at most grocery stores these days. Again, look for the large salt crystals!

Place salt around the house in salt bowls
Following from the above point, you can place salt bowls anywhere in your home as an energetic tune-up! These salt bowls will work behind-the-scenes to fine-tune your home’s energy, once again soaking up any negative vibes that hang in the air.One way to do this is to place those bowls of sea salt in the corners of every room. Remember, just like crystals, once salt soaks up enough negativity, it’ll become blocked. Thus, it’s a good idea to throw out the old salt and replace it with fresh salt, once you feel that the salt isn’t quite cleaning the energy as well as it once was.Experts suggest throwing the old salt onto the dirt outside, rather than throwing it in the trash – this essentially returns the energy back to the Earth where it originated.

Use salt in your altar
Many spiritual practitioners create an altar to hold their crystals, candles, tarot and oracle cards, and any other high-vibe objects such as flowers, pictures of departed loved ones, or journals. With this in mind, of course, it’ll uplift any spiritual practice to keep your altar cleansed of negativity!This is where salt comes in: try using the same method listed above, wherein you place sea salt in a small container and leave it on your altar. This will ensure that your altar stays energetically pure and adds high-vibe energy to your spiritual practices.

Place salt under your bed
Finding yourself lying awake in bed at night, ruminating about the day, unable to sleep? Your bedroom could use an energy cleanse. Salt, of course, is one such way to do so!There are two ways to cleanse your bedroom with salt: the first is to dissolve a bit of sea salt in a glass of warm water, and place that glass under your bed. Of course, if you’re worried that the water may spill when your cat runs under the bed in the middle of the night, you can simply use method number two: the salt dish trick as outlined above. Simply place sea salt in a dish under your bed and leave it there overnight.Either way, make sure to leave the salt there for only one night, then replacing it with new salt, if needed. You don’t want that negative-vibe-saturated salt bringing you bad dreams!

Cleansing kit

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