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How to choose between Tarot or Oracle

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

On the store, the reading choices are separated into two categories: Tarots and Oracles. Both types of cards have their own characteristics, which can influence the final choice for a consultation. Here is some useful information before applying.



Let's start with the most popular, the Tarot. Whether classic tarots (Tarot de Marseille, Rider Waite) or modern tarots, they all have 78 cards: 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana.

Positive : 1) More complex draws can be made without running out of cards. 2) The symbolism of the cards is very rich and can be applied to all areas of life. An Oracle type might have hard-to-interpret keywords for work or love for example. 3) Regardless of the tarot, the symbolism remains substantially the same, which gives the possibility of searching in depth with several books and on the internet. We are not limited to the little booklet that comes with the cards (like the Oracles). 4) Tarots are very popular and more and more "modern" versions are available with new images (while keeping the symbolism and the base).

Negative: 1) The interpretation requires basic knowledge of the mysteries of the Tarot (compared to an Oracle which works with simple keywords)



No two Oracles are alike. Each have their themes, symbols, messages and number of cards. Positive : 1) Reading is easier because each card has an easy to understand keyword. An Oracle will have the word "Success" instead of "3 of Pentacle" for a Tarot. 2) The Oracle leaves more room for intuition during interpretation. The reader must above all trust the images, the key words and his feelings - the small booklet of the cards often does not give much information. 3) Many choices of oracles: we can choose what speaks to us the most. (images and themes) 4) The Oracles often offer their own and original types of reading. For example, "The Oracle of Fantasy Cats" has 3 types of cards: seasons, attitudes and keywords. It suggests a draw of 3 cards, drawing one per category: When / How / What 5) You can accompany Oracle cards with a classic tarot reading, to give advice or additional information (since these are key words, they are easy to add).

Negative: 1) You can't do all the types of reading with the oracles, for lack of cards sometimes. 2) Some oracles are very thematic (example Love), which limits or makes difficult other types of reading.


In conclusion, there is no right or wrong choice. Before requesting a consultation on this site, take the time to read the options carefully. The pages have information and images of each Tarot and Oracle. Go to what attracts you the most and follow your intuition.

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